Quality of Root Filling – Lateral Canals – Open Apices
Dear Colleagues, Our next webinar is scheduled for Tuesday 19/10/2021 at 20:00. During this webinar our speaker, Endodontist Zoi-Despina Tzima will be covering the topic “Quality of Root Filling – Lateral Canals - Open Apices”. This webinar is a collaboration of the Hellenic Association of Endodontists and the Dental Association of Xanthi. Attendees will be credited 1,5 CE credits (MEEO) as well as 1,5 CPD Credit Hour. The language of the webinar will be Greek.
The primary objective of root canal treatment (RCT) is to eliminate or substantially reduce the microbial population within the root canal system followed by a three-dimensional obturation, which in turn is expected to maintain or restore the health of the periradicular tissues. The quality of the root canal filling is radiographically assessed by the parameters of its length, density and adaptation to the canal walls and is reported to have an essential impact on the prognosis of the RCT. Prevention of inadequate root canal fillings- overfilling, overextention, underfilling, voids within the filling mass- is inextricably linked to the ultimate goal of a three-dimensional obturation, which is confined within the root and ideally comprise ramifications such as the lateral canals. Up to date data sheds light on the influence lateral canals exert on the efficacy of RCT, while it establishes whether it is feasible to fill them with the existing technology. Last but not least, filling approaches of highly demanding cases, which lack apical constriction, such as open apices of immature permanent teeth and of teeth exhibiting apical root resorption are reviewed.
Short CV
Zoi-Despina Tzima
Zoi-Despina Tzima was born in 1989 in Athens and was raised in Greece and abroad. She entered the Dental School of National & Kapodistrian University in Athens in 2007. In 2014 she joined the 3year postgraduate program of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, which she successfully completed in 2018 receiving the title of Master of Science in Endodontics.

Upon the last years she has delivered lectures in congresses nationally and internationally and conducted joint training programs with other colleagues. She has published articles in local and international journals and currently serves as a member of the Hellenic Association of Endodontists. She delivers specialized dental care limited to Endodontics in several dental clinics in Athens.