Laser Irradiation in the Endodontic Practice: Marketing Gadget or Useful Tool?
Dear Colleagues, Our next webinar is scheduled for Tuesday 20/06/2023 at 20:00. During this webinar our speaker, Endodontist Eleftherios Terry R. Farmakis will be covering the topic “Laser Irradiation in the Endodontic Practice: Marketing Gadget or Useful Tool?”. This webinar is a collaboration of the Hellenic Association of Endodontists and the Dental Association of Thesprotia. Attendees will be credited 1,5 CE credits (MEEO) of the Hellenic Association of Endodontists as well as 1,5 CPD Credit Hour. The language of the webinar will be Greek.
It’s been more than sixty years since the invention of the first Laser device, and Dentistry opted to adopt it, for clinical use. Endodontology, was not an exeption, with the first in vitro trial taking place in 1971. Since then, many in vitro and less in vivo trials have been attempted, with various results. This was due, mainly to the poor knowledge of the Physics of this energy. In this Webinar, the various applications of the Laser Irradiation in the current Endodontic practice will be thoroughly analyzed.
Short CV
Eleftherios Terry R. Farmakis
He was born in Canada, returned to Greece in a young age, and graduated in 1991 from the Dental School, Athens, Greece (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece – NKUA).

In 1993, he completed his Clinical Specialty in Endodontics, along with his MDSc, and in 2005 he completed the requirements for his PhD Thesis, in the same institution. In 2009 he became Faculty in NKUA, evolving ranks through the years. He has numerous publications, invited lectures and serves as Reviewer in Greek and International Journals. Recently he was elected President of the Hellenic Society of Oral Laser Applications – HELSOLA.