Root canal obturation. Contemporary methodologies, indications, restrictions
Dear Colleagues, Our next webinar is scheduled for Tuesday 21/09/2021 at 20:00. During this webinar our speaker, Endodontist Palamidakis D. Fotios will be covering the topic “Root canal obturation. Contemporary methodologies, indications, restrictions”. This webinar is a collaboration of the Hellenic Association of Endodontists and the Dental Association of Rodopi. Attendees will be credited 1,5 CE credits (MEEO) as well as 1,5 CPD Credit Hour. The language of the webinar will be Greek.
The 3D “hermetic” filling of the root canal space system is the main objective of obturation. Obturation is generally described as the final step of root canal treatment. Complete chemomechanical preparation and disinfection of the root canal space are the main prerequisites in order to continue to the obturation. The goal is to entomb remaining bacteria, not leave empty spaces and respect the root canal anatomy. The filling material should fill the hole root canal space and do not extend to the periapical tissues. Within the limitations of this webinar, graphs, radiographs and digital photos from surgical microscope are to be used in order to describe modern obturation techniques and methodologies.
Short CV
Palamidakis D. Fotios
I was born and live in Athens. I graduated in 1999 from Khalandri's 2nd High School. I completed my first circle of studies in National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Dental School and announced Dentist (DDS) in the year 2007.
Afterwards, I continued my post-graduate studies in the field of Endodontics (Msc), at the same University's Dental School and succesfully graduated in 2015. I was scientific partner of the Department of Endodontics of the Dental School of Athens for 12 years. I have published several papers in scientific journals in Greece and abroad and have presented my work in greek and international congresses and meetings. My Dental Pracice is limited to Endodontics and my office is located in Athens.